Thursday 27 June 2013

Henley Women's Regatta

The 2013 edition of Henley Women's Regatta was very successful for Loughborough Students Rowing, with current and former members in winning boats.

Bethan Lloyd and Sarah Bonar teamed up with Lindsay Marshall and LSRC alumni Catherine Lineker in the once again winning Nottingham Rowing Club crew - a real force to be reckoned with this year. After winning the time trial, the girls dispatched of Mortlake and Marlow in the first and second rounds apparently fairly comfortably. In the semi-final, Molesey were a length up with 500 m to go but the were reeled in and beaten by two feet. The final was again a close race and steering issues didn't make things any easier but the girls managed to stay ahead of the Wallingford crew for the victory.

In the single sculls events we had current students entered across the different events. Louise Hart won the senior single after rowing through her opponent from the unenviable position of being down with clear water between her and opponent's boat and hers. Hannah Wright won her first round of the senior lightweight single before being knocked out in the second round by fellow Nottingham RC member Yasmin Marks who went on to win the event. Pippa Whittaker raced in the elite single, unfortunately being knocked out by Leeds' Kris Johnson.

In the academic coxed fours, Nicky Gray, Caitlin Boyland, Kirsty Brown, Ruth Mckellar and cox Nat Egginton embarked upon their quest with a strong time trial. They were very unlucky with the draw, though, drawing a strong Exeter University crew in the first round who beat them and went on to win. Katie Bartlett stroked a strong U23 composite crew in the elite eights. In a straight final against Boston College from the USA, Katie's eight won by a margin noted as 'Easily'. 

The four current and one past LSRC members who won were lucky enough to be presentated their prizes by Katherine Grainger. Hopefully next year we will have even more girls winning here!

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Coronation, Marlow and Nottingham Sprint Regattas - A Weekend Full Of Racing!

With the end of exams in sight, this weekend saw Loughborough Students racing at three regattas over the course of this weekend.

Coronation Regatta

The Coronation 60th Anniversary Regatta was a unique one-off regatta held on a 1000m stretch stretch of the Thames at Windsor Castle's Home Park. Competing in Nottingham colours as part of the NRC High Performance squad, Sarah Bonar and Bethan Lloyd were in the winning Senior 4x and Elite 4x. Pippa Whittaker also joined up with Nicky Spencer from NRC, winning the Elite 2x.

Marlow Regatta

At Marlow Regatta, Nottingham's winning Senior 4- featured Craig Turner and Alex Evangelidis. This boat should now be qualified to defend the Wyfold Challenge Cup at Henley Royal Regatta in the first week in July. Last year's Wyfold winning crew had three current or former Loughborough Students. Alex Watkins stroked the NRC IM2 8+ which was unfortunately knocked out in a tough heat and Ayrton Carlton raced in the IM1 4- that finished 5th. Ed Couldwell, back in action after excess fatigue forced him to take some time off training, unfortunately missed out on the final in the Senior 1x.

Nottingham Sprint Regatta

Closer to home was the Nottingham Sprint Regatta, which used by some of the girls to aid their final preparations for the following week's Henley Women's Regatta. Ruth Mckellar, Caitlin Boyland, Kirsty Brown, Fiona Robinson, Alex Beviss and cox Nat Egginton made up two thirds of the winning Nottingham Novice 8+, beating Nottingham Trent University BC. In the IM3 4+, the girls crew of Ruth, Kirsty, Caitlin, Nicky and Nat won against Loughborough Boat Club. A crew of this year's Novice Boys, who you may remember won at Leicester Regatta, finished second in the IM3 4+, just pipped by NRC in the final.

Next week, Henley Women's Regatta!

Monday 10 June 2013

Peterborough Regatta and Metropolitan Regatta Round Up

This mid-exams race weekend was again relatively small in entry but nonetheless highly competitive. The senior boys raced in composites with Nottingham RC at Peterborough Regatta while the senior girls raced with at Metropolitan Regatta, both as Loughborough Students and in NRC composites too.

'Woop-woop! That's the sound of da police!'

Peterborough Regatta

The main aim of the men going Peterborough (apart from winning!) was to race a few crews and find the best combos. In the Saturday Senior 4- event, Alex Watkins was delighted to be in the winning crew while Craig Turner and Alex Evangelidis' crew came 2nd. In the IM2 4- the roles were reversed, with Craig Turner and Alex Evangelidis' crew winning and Alex Watkins' crew coming second.

On the way to Peterborough for Sunday's racing, the boys had the pleasure of being pulled over by the police to perform a 'routine check'. It became apparent the policemen thought they were all drunk from a night out as the boys in the back seat had their hoods up and kept turning around and looking dodgy when they were behind! After a very civilised and gentlemanly chat with the officers, the boys were wished well on their way to another hard day's racing/

Sunday had more of the boys racing, with Stuart Walker racing twice in the eight in different crews - the IM3 8+ won and the IM2 8+ (where Stuart was joined by Ayrton Carlton) came 3rd. Craig Turner, Alex Evangelidis and Alex Watkins were again racing in the 4-. This time, Craig and Alex Evangelidis were in the winning crews in both the Senior and IM2 events, while Alex Watkins was in the second placed crew in both events. We are told there were no published results or points given for the Senior 4- race as it was 'cancelled' after the race finished.

Things just got a bit much for poor Craigo on the way home... zzzZZZ

Metropolitan Regatta

The ever highly competitive Metropolitan regatta was only attended by our girls this year, who represented the club well as they have done all year! Ruth Mckellar, Kirsty Brown, Caitlin Boyland and Nicky Gray were coxed by Nat Egginton in the IM3 4+ after only two weeks training together in the boat. They got to the final against some really strong crews and, although they finished 6th, were happy with the result.

In the Elite 8+, Katie Bartlett raced in a winning composite crew full of girls desperate to gain selection for a place in the GB U23 team. Pippa Whittaker made her return to competition in the Elite 1x after a frustrating few months coming back from injury, finishing strongly in 3rd.

In the IM1 4x, Sarah Bonar, Beth Lloyd and Louise Hart joined up with NRC's Laura Champion to notch another win this year. Sarah and Beth also came 4th in the IM1 2x.

W.IM1.4x winners (left to right) - Sarah Bonar, Laura Champion, Beth Lloyd and Louise Hart.

Next up... Nottingham Sprint Regatta and Marlow Regatta!