Monday 1 July 2013

Holland Beker Regatta

As part of his comeback to racing, Ed Couldwell raced in the Men's Single at Holland Beker this weekend. Ed finished 5th in his heat and unfortunately missed out on the final.

Originating in 1886, the Holland Beker Regatta is one of the most prestigious and this year's competitors included Mahe Drysdale, the current Olympic and five time World Champion single sculler.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Henley Women's Regatta

The 2013 edition of Henley Women's Regatta was very successful for Loughborough Students Rowing, with current and former members in winning boats.

Bethan Lloyd and Sarah Bonar teamed up with Lindsay Marshall and LSRC alumni Catherine Lineker in the once again winning Nottingham Rowing Club crew - a real force to be reckoned with this year. After winning the time trial, the girls dispatched of Mortlake and Marlow in the first and second rounds apparently fairly comfortably. In the semi-final, Molesey were a length up with 500 m to go but the were reeled in and beaten by two feet. The final was again a close race and steering issues didn't make things any easier but the girls managed to stay ahead of the Wallingford crew for the victory.

In the single sculls events we had current students entered across the different events. Louise Hart won the senior single after rowing through her opponent from the unenviable position of being down with clear water between her and opponent's boat and hers. Hannah Wright won her first round of the senior lightweight single before being knocked out in the second round by fellow Nottingham RC member Yasmin Marks who went on to win the event. Pippa Whittaker raced in the elite single, unfortunately being knocked out by Leeds' Kris Johnson.

In the academic coxed fours, Nicky Gray, Caitlin Boyland, Kirsty Brown, Ruth Mckellar and cox Nat Egginton embarked upon their quest with a strong time trial. They were very unlucky with the draw, though, drawing a strong Exeter University crew in the first round who beat them and went on to win. Katie Bartlett stroked a strong U23 composite crew in the elite eights. In a straight final against Boston College from the USA, Katie's eight won by a margin noted as 'Easily'. 

The four current and one past LSRC members who won were lucky enough to be presentated their prizes by Katherine Grainger. Hopefully next year we will have even more girls winning here!

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Coronation, Marlow and Nottingham Sprint Regattas - A Weekend Full Of Racing!

With the end of exams in sight, this weekend saw Loughborough Students racing at three regattas over the course of this weekend.

Coronation Regatta

The Coronation 60th Anniversary Regatta was a unique one-off regatta held on a 1000m stretch stretch of the Thames at Windsor Castle's Home Park. Competing in Nottingham colours as part of the NRC High Performance squad, Sarah Bonar and Bethan Lloyd were in the winning Senior 4x and Elite 4x. Pippa Whittaker also joined up with Nicky Spencer from NRC, winning the Elite 2x.

Marlow Regatta

At Marlow Regatta, Nottingham's winning Senior 4- featured Craig Turner and Alex Evangelidis. This boat should now be qualified to defend the Wyfold Challenge Cup at Henley Royal Regatta in the first week in July. Last year's Wyfold winning crew had three current or former Loughborough Students. Alex Watkins stroked the NRC IM2 8+ which was unfortunately knocked out in a tough heat and Ayrton Carlton raced in the IM1 4- that finished 5th. Ed Couldwell, back in action after excess fatigue forced him to take some time off training, unfortunately missed out on the final in the Senior 1x.

Nottingham Sprint Regatta

Closer to home was the Nottingham Sprint Regatta, which used by some of the girls to aid their final preparations for the following week's Henley Women's Regatta. Ruth Mckellar, Caitlin Boyland, Kirsty Brown, Fiona Robinson, Alex Beviss and cox Nat Egginton made up two thirds of the winning Nottingham Novice 8+, beating Nottingham Trent University BC. In the IM3 4+, the girls crew of Ruth, Kirsty, Caitlin, Nicky and Nat won against Loughborough Boat Club. A crew of this year's Novice Boys, who you may remember won at Leicester Regatta, finished second in the IM3 4+, just pipped by NRC in the final.

Next week, Henley Women's Regatta!

Monday 10 June 2013

Peterborough Regatta and Metropolitan Regatta Round Up

This mid-exams race weekend was again relatively small in entry but nonetheless highly competitive. The senior boys raced in composites with Nottingham RC at Peterborough Regatta while the senior girls raced with at Metropolitan Regatta, both as Loughborough Students and in NRC composites too.

'Woop-woop! That's the sound of da police!'

Peterborough Regatta

The main aim of the men going Peterborough (apart from winning!) was to race a few crews and find the best combos. In the Saturday Senior 4- event, Alex Watkins was delighted to be in the winning crew while Craig Turner and Alex Evangelidis' crew came 2nd. In the IM2 4- the roles were reversed, with Craig Turner and Alex Evangelidis' crew winning and Alex Watkins' crew coming second.

On the way to Peterborough for Sunday's racing, the boys had the pleasure of being pulled over by the police to perform a 'routine check'. It became apparent the policemen thought they were all drunk from a night out as the boys in the back seat had their hoods up and kept turning around and looking dodgy when they were behind! After a very civilised and gentlemanly chat with the officers, the boys were wished well on their way to another hard day's racing/

Sunday had more of the boys racing, with Stuart Walker racing twice in the eight in different crews - the IM3 8+ won and the IM2 8+ (where Stuart was joined by Ayrton Carlton) came 3rd. Craig Turner, Alex Evangelidis and Alex Watkins were again racing in the 4-. This time, Craig and Alex Evangelidis were in the winning crews in both the Senior and IM2 events, while Alex Watkins was in the second placed crew in both events. We are told there were no published results or points given for the Senior 4- race as it was 'cancelled' after the race finished.

Things just got a bit much for poor Craigo on the way home... zzzZZZ

Metropolitan Regatta

The ever highly competitive Metropolitan regatta was only attended by our girls this year, who represented the club well as they have done all year! Ruth Mckellar, Kirsty Brown, Caitlin Boyland and Nicky Gray were coxed by Nat Egginton in the IM3 4+ after only two weeks training together in the boat. They got to the final against some really strong crews and, although they finished 6th, were happy with the result.

In the Elite 8+, Katie Bartlett raced in a winning composite crew full of girls desperate to gain selection for a place in the GB U23 team. Pippa Whittaker made her return to competition in the Elite 1x after a frustrating few months coming back from injury, finishing strongly in 3rd.

In the IM1 4x, Sarah Bonar, Beth Lloyd and Louise Hart joined up with NRC's Laura Champion to notch another win this year. Sarah and Beth also came 4th in the IM1 2x.

W.IM1.4x winners (left to right) - Sarah Bonar, Laura Champion, Beth Lloyd and Louise Hart.

Next up... Nottingham Sprint Regatta and Marlow Regatta!

Monday 27 May 2013

Notts City Regatta

Two weeks after BUCS Regatta and exams are upon (almost) everyone, forcing most of the club's athletes to put some of that training and racing time into early morning and late night sessions in the library. However, there were still Loughborough Students in attendance at Notts City Regatta, with a particularly strong attendance from the senior girls.

James Ingle, 3rd in the M.Nov.1x (Photo: Ed Fisher)

First up was the Women's Novice Eight, where six of our girls and cox Nat Egginton joined up with two of the Nottingham RC girls to form a crew that won their heat and came third in the final. In the Coxed Fours, Nat again took control of Alex Beviss, Fiona Robinson, Emily Quimby and Kat Aguilar-Agon, coming 2nd in the Novice race while new Women's Captain Kirsty Brown jumped into NRC's IM2 boat which came 5th.

Hannah Wright got the girls under way in the sculling events, finishing 4th in the Elite Lightweight Single. Next up, Ruth Mckellar and Caitlin Boyland came 3rd in the IM3 Double. Sarah Bonar and Bethan Lloyd then took 2nd place in the IM2 Double before teaming up with two of the NRC girls to win the IM2 Quad!

Singles were generally the boat of choice for the few boys racing this weekend. Four of the boys on the club's Talent ID scheme were due to race in the Novice Single, however Ben Colman was forced to pull out due to a forearm injury. Unfortunately Jon Stimpson caught a crab that caused him to fall in and British Rowing to kindly deliver a racing incident report to the committee's inbox, leaving two members left to finish. Matt Brazkiewicz, who had to miss BUCS Regatta, came 6th while James Ingle (BUCS Regatta Novice 1x silver medalist) came 3rd. In the IM3 Single, Ayrton Carlton and new Men's Captain Alex 'Bertie' Watkins brought home a 1-2 for Loughborough Students Rowing! Stuart Walker was also racing, sitting at bow for NRC in both their IM2 and IM3 eights, finishing 6th and 4th respectively.

We're looking forward to a good weekend of racing again next time out, at Peterborough Regatta and Metropolitan Regatta.. watch out for us in Peterborough and at Dorney!

Alex 'Bertie' Watkins not posing (Photo: Ed Fisher)

Tuesday 21 May 2013

AU Ball 2013 - Most Improved Club of the Year... almost

Another academic year of sport is nearing its end and exams are nearly (or already for some people) upon us which meant only one thing last Saturday night for Loughborough Students.. the return of the annual Athletic Union Ball!

The previous weekend was BUCS Regatta, our flagship event of the year for uni people not so knowledgeable on what the big events really are, and in our sport we are only just getting into our real racing season. Head racing and indoor 'racing' and testing through the winter just doesn't have anything on 2000 m (or less) side by side racing - yes, Henley Royal Regatta is a fair few metres longer but you get the point! Most of the other sports clubs' BUCS events have finished by this point in the year, though, and so it is that time for a big celebration of how well Loughborough did.. again. This year Loughborough Students won the overall BUCS Championship for the 33rd year in a row!

The timing of the event was good for us this year - it was after BUCS Regatta and none of the trialists had to be away either - so we got a fantastic turnout at the Athena in Leicester, representing the whole membership. As always, the boys enjoyed donning their dinner jackets and the girls could all compare tan lines in their ball dresses. Those who had them proudly wore their now old school LSRC maroon blazers, receiving a lot of attention and praise from people involved in all areas of Loughborough Sport. When we finally get hold of some purple, white and pink ones to fit in with the rebrand and new kit, there is no doubt heads will be turning for all the right reasons!

This year has been a particularly big year for the club. Founded in 1952, last year was our 60th anniversary and at the end of that year came the decision to move the whole club's base to Nottingham Rowing Club. Of course, there have been teething issues over the year but it has been seen to have been very successful by all involved and something that has laid the foundations for the continued progression of the club and its athletes over the coming years.

Prior to the AU Ball, the club was flattered to be nominated for the award of 'Most Improved Club of the Year'. Last year, Jonny Walton won 'Sports Man of the Year' so to be nominated for something two years in a row meant a lot. The reasoning as to why we were nominated follows:

"Moving the whole club this year to one base at Nottingham Rowing Club (NRC) - a British Rowing high performance centre - has enabled LSRC members to get and keep training and interacting together. Coaching, a great fleet and new gym facilities are available for all at NRC, on a 9 km stretch of the River Trent and the 2000 m racing lake at the National Water Sports Centre (NWSC).

In previous years, the membership was one of (if not) the most segregated of all clubs in the AU with Performance, Lightweight, Senior, Intermediate, Novice and Talent ID Mens and Womens sections training at different times and locations between:

  • Campus - PowerBase gym
  • Loughborough Boat Club (LBC)
  • Nottingham and Union Rowing Club (NURC)
  • Nottingham Rowing Club
  • National Water Sports Centre

All under one roof now, there has been a good integration with NRC across all sections and a greatly improved feel within LSRC too.The club has entered significantly more races this year across all sections and shown success across the board, also racing as NRC composites when required. Most importantly, LOUGHBOROUGH STUDENTS ROWING is back and hungry for more progress!"

Unfortunately we lost out on the Most Improved Club award to Handball, a relatively young AU club in Loughborough who were very deserved winners. They have been very successful and put through an extraordinary number of triallists this year.

As always there was a lot of mingling with members of other clubs at the champagne reception that preceded the meal. As the evening went on the speeches were made, prizes awarded, tables' wine consumed in copious amounts and puddings eaten with no hands - as always seems to be the way at these events. Once the ceremonial business had been taken care of, people let their hair down a bit more, mingling once again on the dance floor and propping up the bar.

For those familiar with Loughborough nightlife, you will be please to know that the next stop after the ball was Mansion and then Echos - where else would you go on a Saturday night!?

The ball was a night enjoyed and fondly (if perhaps surprisingly) remembered by almost all. A huge thank you to all involved in organising the ball, runnning Loughborough Sport on the AU and SDC sides of things and those who train and compete week in, week out. Also, thanks to Nottingham Rowing Club and all involved there who have helped our club to progress so much this year. There is a great foundation for the future now.

Sunday 12 May 2013

BUCS Regatta Round Up

The 2013 edition of BUCS Regatta and the May Day bank holiday weekend has passed us and with that the end of the 2012-13 BUCS Rowing Season, just in time for everybody else's sprint racing seasons to start getting under way properly! The club managed to get '50' athletes taking part in the event which is the most we've had competing in one event for a number of years!


Saturday was the day that all the novices had been waiting for since the beginning of the year. What was all this build up about? How many people were really going to be there? Would the weather really be that bad? Is it really that difficult to get boated and to the start on time and without some kind of panic? Would the time trial timing be correct? Would the starting lights and sound be in sync? All would start to be revealed not long before 0800 in the morning and the start of the time trials!

The men's beginner coxed fours were the first of the novice crews to come home in their finals. One of the crews raced pretty well a few weeks previously, winning at Leicester Regatta and the other had no side by side experience. As it turned out, the boys were in different finals. The Leicester winners won the H Final by 23 seconds, showing they really should not have been there and putting Bath in their rightful place (below Loughborough) which was good for the traditional rivalry. The more rookie crew also won in the G Final by a closer margin of 4.53 seconds. To really appreciate the feat, though, you should know that Matt Goodhead's footplate came off after 1850 m to go. The opposition crews started to catch up but cox Dan Mugall kept the boys well motivated with Matt's leg unable to support him when they got out of the boat.

Mens Novice 4+
The first A or B Finalists of the day were Ruth Mckellar and Nicky Gray out in the pair, who came home in fifth. Next up was Alex Evangelidis in the lightweight single who came second in the B Final after agonisingly missing out on the A Final. The women's championship four picked up a bronze medal in their final, beaten by strong Imperial and Reading crews and picking off the Oxford girls with a great push in the last 500.

Last up on the day was perhaps one of our most eagerly anticipated crews - the 'Big Eight', entered in the men's intermediate eight category. The crew's cox Rob Lawson had just about as many year's experience in the sport as all the boys put together, as four had only joined the started rowing with the Talent ID programme the previous autumn and three only started the year before. The amount of power in the boat is enormous - with the crew averages being both taller and heavier than either of the Oxford or Cambridge boat race crews - but expectation remained realistic! Fifth in the semi final to some slick crews from Newcastle, UL and Brookes, with Kingston taking 4th, the boys were looking make amends and come out on top in the B Final. Loughborough were leading after 500 with Kingston gradually pulling them back but stayed neck and neck until Jared Minnican caught one of those boat stopping crabs and nearly ejected with 700 to go - the boys rowed in fourth of four and absolutely gutted!


With the first day out of the way, it was time for the novice girls to have their turn at finding out what BUCS Regatta was all about in the beginner's coxed four. In the G Final, they worked hard as a crew the whole way down but unfortunately came in 6th - the experience certainly doing them some good for future racing.

Novice Womens 4+

The novice boys came second to only Imperial in the beginner's eights E Final and beat the best of the other four crews by 18.3 seconds. Up next was the men's intermediate coxed four, where Louise Hart managed to sandwich coxing duties in between a busy racing schedule. The crew didn't have much time together and had been training in a coxless four so racing in the now heavier coxed boat that Nottingham Uni kindly let us borrow was something very different. After a slow start, the crew remained in touch but always had work to do to get in real contention and ended up coming sixth after catching a crab inside the last 200 m.

In the women's intermediate lightweight single, Alex Beviss came sixth in the C Final and Hannah Wright came fifth in the A Final. Next, Louise Hart came second, securing silver - and another medal to add to her collection - in the intermediate openweight even though she was very little over the lightweight upper limit. Katie Bartlett came fourth in the championship single, an event she was trying to defend for last year's winner Pippa Whittaker.

The men's lightweight quad was the next big hope of the day having been a much anticipated event for most of the year. Long time LSRC member Craig Turner was joined by Alex Evangelidis, Alex Kratzer and Stuart Walker, who was hungry to be the first LSRC BUCS medalist for a number of years who started at Loughborough and hadn't been recruited to the sport through any kind of Talent ID scheme. Gripping from the start, it was stereotypically close lightweight race where the boys settled in fourth for the first 1500. Called at 500 to go, Alex Kratzer led the boys from the stroke seat in taking the rate and speed up, taking lots of ground out of the other crews before winding it up again from 250 out. The crew delivered one of the most exciting finishes of the entire regatta to beat Nottingham Uni into third place and take the bronze medal.

Mens Lightweight 4x (from left): Alex Evangelidis, Stuart Walker, Craig Turner, Alex Kratzer

The girls finished the day's racing off with a fifth place finish in the intermediate eights A Final where Oxford, Cardiff and Reading were always just ahead. The Loughborough girls raced hard with UCL and Oxford Brookes in an exciting sub-plot and will feel unlucky to have come fifth.


Monday was a day that must have seemed a long way off only a few days previously but suddenly we were there - the last day of BUCS Regatta and nearly another year to wait. For the boys who made it onto the Talent ID programme at the beginning of the year, this was probably the race they had been looking forward for the longest. This was their chance to see how they matched up against not only each other but all the other uni students who had started rowing that year too. This was the race they could see how that change they made to the 'early mornings at the lake' lifestyle had worked for them. A highly competitive event this year, two made it into the semi finals from LSRC. James Ingle came second in the A Final to the sculler from Anglish Ruskin who we can only say smashed it. 'Jingle' (as he's known to most of the club) was the only person close throughout the race, eventually coming second, ten seconds ahead of third place to get his very deserving hands on a BUCS Rowing silver medal.

The girls raced their B Final in the intermediate coxed fours immediately after the singles. After starting well, they battled hard with Oxford for third place but were just beaten to it by 0.5 seconds. The intermediate double qualified for the A Final and came fifth.

In the lightweight double, Craig Turner and Alex Kratzer delivered a fantastic first gold medal of the regatta with an awesome sprint finish. 1500 m into the race, the duo were 3 seconds behind Imperial but ended up beating them by 2.37 seconds, with Durham a further three seconds back.

Katie Bartlett, Sarah  Bonar, Bethan Lloyd and Louise Hart were looking to back up their gold medal winning performance in the championship coxless four from BUCS Head with another victory here. A close race between the top five crews the whole way, Loughborough were in fifth place (3 seconds behind fourth) with 500 left, where the call came to make the move and the boat started to surge past Cambridge and UL. The crew took third place (behind Durham and Imperial) and a well deserved bronze medal after an intense weekend of racing.

Supporters base for the weekend kindly lent by Loughborough Students Athletics Club

The increased number of competitors and presence of lots of new Loughborough Sport branding in the form of our new kit, a large banner above one of the boat racking bays and a two gazebos (one of which was branded and used refreshments for coaches, friends and family members) sent out a message to the other university boat clubs that Loughborough Students Rowing Club is looking forward to bigger and better things. The weather was also relatively decent for once which helps things a huge amount - as long as everyone remembers to put on their suncream (*cough* Tom Hewlett).

Tied 7th with Oxford Brookes in the medal table and 10th in the BUCS Points table is pretty respectable but something we feel that we can certainly build on next year and look forward to doing so. The club lost two key members in Jonny Walton and Matt Gotrel to graduation and the GB Rowing team and two others in Ed Couldwell and Pippa Whittaker to injury so defending our medal table victory from last year was always going to be tough but we tried. We had a lot more members competing this year from the novice and intermediate sections of the club which shows that we have really progressed in making the club more rounded and hopefully next year these people will be looking to add to the medal count for Loughborough Students Rowing Club. There are too many people to name but thanks to everybody involved in the club this year and contributing in whatever way you have - you know who you are and what you've done - it is very much appreciated by all the members!

A final note - well done also to LSRC alumnus Pete Muhley who picked up a few medals racing for Newcastle Uni. Hopefully you heard us cheering for you when you weren't against us.

Monday 29 April 2013

BUCS Regatta Crew Announcement

The entries are in and the May Day Bank Holiday weekend is within touching distance which means only one thing in British Universities Rowing.. BUCS Regatta is nearly upon us! Taking place at the National Water Sports Centre in Nottingham as usual, crews of all standards, shapes, sizes, fitness and skill levels will be taking to the water targeting everything from just making it to the finish line in one piece to that standout Championship Gold medal winning performance against seasoned GB oarsmen and women.

The BUCS PwC Rowing Regatta is the largest regatta in Europe, and attracted 944 crews from 68 universities in 2012, where Loughborough Students Rowing managed to top the medal table for the first time. Going into the regatta, which is the final event of the BUCS Rowing 2012-13 calendar, we are currently sitting 7th in the points table with local rivals Nottingham University Boat Club clinging onto 6th place.

We are excited to announce that this year we are entering 39 crews, with the aim of putting in some strong performances and getting as many people racing as possible. Please see below for crew information:


Intermediate 8+
Kat Aguilar-Agon; Hannah Wright; Nicky Gray; Caitlin Boyland; Emily Quimby; Fiona Robinson; Kirsty Brown; Ruth Mckellar; Nat Egginton (cox).

Championship 4-
Louise Hart; Beth Lloyd; Sarah Bonar; Katie Bartlett.

Intermediate 4+
Kat Aguilar-Agon; Fiona Robinson; Emily Quimby; Alex Beviss; Nat Egginton (cox).

Beginner 4+
Cherry Fermor; Katie Baggott; Lucy Rogers; Alex Brady; Nat Egginton (cox).

Championship 2-
Louise Hart; Katie Bartlett.

Intermediate 2-
Nicky Gray; Ruth Mckellar.

Championship 4x
Louise Hart; Beth Lloyd; Sarah Bonar; Katie Bartlett.

Championship 2x
Sarah Bonar; Beth Lloyd.

Intermediate 2x
Hannah Wright; Kirsty Brown.

Championship 1x
Katie Bartlett.

Intermediate 1x
Louise Hart.

Beginner 1x
Laura Scott.


Intermediate 8+
Sam Hayes; Ayrton Carlton; Jared Minnican; James Ingle; Jon Stimpson; George Hallewell; Jack Redwood; Alex Watkins; Rob Lawson (cox).

Beginner 8+
Warren Price; Jake Griffin; Adam Wright; Rob Watson; Ben Cossor; Jamie Colvin; George May; George Osborne; Matt Mitchell (cox).

Intermediate 4+
Connor Duncan; Ben Colman; Massimo Santoro; James Douglas; Louise Hart (cox).

Beginner 4+
Jamie Colvin; Rob Watson; George May; George Osborne; Matt Mitchell (cox).
Warren Price; Matt Goodhead; Adam Wright; Harry Beagrie; Dan Mungall (cox).

Intermediate 2-
Massimo Santoro; James Douglas.

Intermediate 4x
Jon Stimpson; Jack Redwood; George Hallewell; James Ingle.
Ismail Hussein; Matt Brazkiewicz; Rich Bryan; Ben Colman.

Championship 2x
Craig Turner; Alex Kratzer.

Intermediate 2x
George Hallewell; James Ingle.

Intermediate 1x
Ayrton Carlton.
Sam Hayes.
Jack Redwood.

Beginner 1x
Matt Brazkiewicz.
Rich Bryan.
Ben Colman.
George Hallewell.
Ismail Hussein.
James Ingle.
Jon Stimpson.


Intermediate 1x
Alex Beviss.
Hannah Wright.


Alex Evangelidis; Stuart Walker; Craig Turner; Alex Kratzer.

Craig Turner; Alex Kratzer.

Alex Evangelidis.

Saturday 30 March 2013

Trio For Rio: World Cup 1 @ Sydney International Rowing Regatta

On 24th March 2013 in the middle of the night (if you are British), three Loughborough Students Rowing alumni made club history. Matt Gotrel, Jonny Walton and Monica Relph, all raced at the first World Cup in Sydney, Australia. Furthermore, Matt brought home gold!

Loughborough Students Rowing alumni (from left) Matt Gotrel, Monica Relph and Jonny Walton.

The first race of the new Olympiad meant a chance for new faces to step on to the senior international scene and take their first steps on the 'Road to Rio', and our Loughborough trio did not disappoint! A new look team GB saw Monica Relph in the women’s quad, Jonny Walton in the men’s single scull and Matt Gotrel alongside three Olympic gold medalists from the London games in the men’s eight.

The women’s quad was an exciting new crew prospect, with all four new faces on the senior team. On day one of the Regatta Monica, joined by Tina Stiller, Olivia Carnegie-Brown and Zoe Lee faced a tough first heat, beaten by eventual bronze medal winners New Zealand and had to race the repechage on day two, which they got through comfortably to reach Sunday’s A Final. The race was dominated by a young and very talented Australian crew, but the GB girls showed their strength and promise by putting in a great finish to end up 4th in this very competitive event.

For Jonny Walton, Loughborough’s Sportsman of the Year 2012 this was also his debut performance in the men’s single at a senior event having finished 8th in the same event at the Under 23 World Rowing Championships in 2011. The “Leicester Legend” as he known, made his heat of the first world cup look easy, leading the field from the first stroke and never looking back, to win the race by 13 seconds and qualify automatically for Sunday's A Final. One of the favourites leading in to race, but not in his trademark yellow boat due to racing down-under, Jonny was perhaps taken by surprise in his final as Bulgarian born Georgi Bozhilov went out at a blistering pace and grunted his boat through the line to finish first. Jonny who looked comfortable and relaxed throughout the majority of the race, put on the after burners in the final 500m to make an impressive move from 6th to finish 4th. A fantastic start to his Olympic campaign!

Finally Matt Gotrel, who learnt to row at Loughborough University, competed in the final event of the regatta in what was named “Jurgen’s Big Eight”. An impressive line up which included three of London 2012’s gold medal winning men’s four Pete Reed, Alex Gregory and Andy Triggs Hodge as well as bronze medal winners in the men’s eight Moe Sbihi, Tom Ransley and cox Phelan Hill, Matt was under no small amount of pressure to keep up the expectations of these phenomenal athletes. It would seem Gotrel thrived under the pressure, executing a perfect race in this five boat final, in which they lead from start to finish! It is rare for a rower to have such accelerated success in the sport. In just a few years we have seen Matt go from novice to World Cup gold medalist, of which Loughborough Students Rowing Club is very proud to have been part of!

Matt Gotrel (top row, second from right) posing with 'Jurgen's Big Eight' crew and a gold medal around his neck.

The next World Cup of the series is from the 21st-23rd June at Eton, Dorney, the venue of the 2012 Olympic Games. Tickets are available online and it would be great to bring that special Loughborough edge to the famous ‘Dorney Roar’!

(Special thanks to Pete Reed MBE for the team photograph!)


To see the races in full follow the links below:

Monica Relph - Women's Quadruple Sculls (W4x) Final

Jonny Walton - Men's Single Sculls (M1x) Final

Matt Gotrel - Men's Eight (M8+) Final

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Sunday 24 March 2013

Craig Turner Man Of Steel.. Erg Marathon Finisher

On Friday 22nd March at 1100, it was sadly announced that the 2013 edition of the Head of the River Race in London. This is that most gruelling of races on the tideway stretch of the River Thames in central London, where around 420 crews from all around the world take on the 4.25 mile (6.8 km) championship course from Mortlake to Putney that is famously rowed every year when Oxford and Cambridge contest The Boat Race, in the opposite direction.

For many, this meant an early start to the lash along the river (cough, members of our alumni club, Plesiosaur Boat Club!!). For one Loughborough lightweight, Craig Turner, this purely meant an opportunity for another challenge, to row a marathon on the rowing machine!

Craig, 22 year old, said, "I carb loaded and obviously I've got to be lightweight for BUCS. So I thought, you know what, I'll put this energy to good use and do a marathon!" Described as an "absolute nutter" by his crew mates, the gutsy ginger finished all 42195 metres in an incredible time of 2 hours 44 minutes 19.2 seconds - for those of you who like numbers that's a average pace of 1:56.8 /500m or power output of 219.7 Watts.

This is a massive achievement, especially considering Craig did no specialised training for the event. He has really set the bar here for other club members!


Wednesday 20 March 2013

Lincoln Head Round Up

We had four boats entered this weekend into three classes, with both senior and novice boys racing for Loughborough Students. Due to the event being held in the first weekend of the university holidays, only a few crews were able to go but they all had a good time and have no doubt learnt from the experience!

First up were Sam Hayes and Jared Minnican, both out on their own in the Novice 1x. On all accounts, the day was absolutely freezing and delivered pretty much all the types of bad weather you could imagine! In all this, Sam managed to find his own little spot of sunshine, covering the 3000m upstream course in 14 minutes 04 seconds to win the Novice 1x division. This was closely followed by Jared, who managed to post a time only three seconds slower and take second place.

The Novice 4+, in only their third competitive outing since they started rowing, managed to finish 3rd, under the commandment of cox Matt Mitchell. The crew have gelled well and certainly had their fair share of incidents along the course, starting before they even got under way. Bowman Warren Price said that although verging on hypothermia while waiting to start, "we started well, crashed, crashed with another boat, had a scrap with a barge, and caught a crab." Not ideal but all part of novice racing and the boat certainly has great potential for the rest of the season, with BUCS Regatta particularly in mind.

Will Bunn and Tom Hewlett in the Novice 2x also had to endure the extreme cold conditions and, similarly to the Novice 4+, encountered a crash along the way too! Initially, Tom commented, "I'm never going rowing ever again, in my life, ever." When asked to comment why he explained that, "rain, sleet, snow, rain, and then a touch of hail rounded things off. I paid my £10 (entry fee) to get hypothermia!" On reflection the boys decided to the view that these things happen and that although it won't go down as a day of their happiest memories in a boat, a beer sorts everything out!

A mixed bag of opinions and happiness with how the day went then, but no doubt it was a valuable racing experience to those who were there competing.

Former Loughborough Students Rowing members and current Loughborough University students Richard Donnor and Tim Ives were also racing at the event, representing Loughborough Boat Club in the Novice 1x. Richard finished 4th and Tim finished 6th in the division.


Loughborough Students Rowing Crews and Results (all crews raced over 3000m):

Sam Hayes. 1st (14:04)
Jared Minnican. 2nd (14:07)

Bow - Warren Price; 2 - George Osborne; 3 - Ben Cossor; Stroke - Jamie Colvin; Cox - Matt Mitchell. 3rd (15:35)

Bow - Will Bunn; Stroke - Tom Hewlett. 3rd (15:28)