Wednesday 20 March 2013

Lincoln Head Round Up

We had four boats entered this weekend into three classes, with both senior and novice boys racing for Loughborough Students. Due to the event being held in the first weekend of the university holidays, only a few crews were able to go but they all had a good time and have no doubt learnt from the experience!

First up were Sam Hayes and Jared Minnican, both out on their own in the Novice 1x. On all accounts, the day was absolutely freezing and delivered pretty much all the types of bad weather you could imagine! In all this, Sam managed to find his own little spot of sunshine, covering the 3000m upstream course in 14 minutes 04 seconds to win the Novice 1x division. This was closely followed by Jared, who managed to post a time only three seconds slower and take second place.

The Novice 4+, in only their third competitive outing since they started rowing, managed to finish 3rd, under the commandment of cox Matt Mitchell. The crew have gelled well and certainly had their fair share of incidents along the course, starting before they even got under way. Bowman Warren Price said that although verging on hypothermia while waiting to start, "we started well, crashed, crashed with another boat, had a scrap with a barge, and caught a crab." Not ideal but all part of novice racing and the boat certainly has great potential for the rest of the season, with BUCS Regatta particularly in mind.

Will Bunn and Tom Hewlett in the Novice 2x also had to endure the extreme cold conditions and, similarly to the Novice 4+, encountered a crash along the way too! Initially, Tom commented, "I'm never going rowing ever again, in my life, ever." When asked to comment why he explained that, "rain, sleet, snow, rain, and then a touch of hail rounded things off. I paid my £10 (entry fee) to get hypothermia!" On reflection the boys decided to the view that these things happen and that although it won't go down as a day of their happiest memories in a boat, a beer sorts everything out!

A mixed bag of opinions and happiness with how the day went then, but no doubt it was a valuable racing experience to those who were there competing.

Former Loughborough Students Rowing members and current Loughborough University students Richard Donnor and Tim Ives were also racing at the event, representing Loughborough Boat Club in the Novice 1x. Richard finished 4th and Tim finished 6th in the division.


Loughborough Students Rowing Crews and Results (all crews raced over 3000m):

Sam Hayes. 1st (14:04)
Jared Minnican. 2nd (14:07)

Bow - Warren Price; 2 - George Osborne; 3 - Ben Cossor; Stroke - Jamie Colvin; Cox - Matt Mitchell. 3rd (15:35)

Bow - Will Bunn; Stroke - Tom Hewlett. 3rd (15:28)

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